The header image is based on ffmpeg’s testsrc video source. I then cropped it and added noise. I also used the swapuv filter so that the resulting colors are not typical for standardized video color bars as if a component video signal is patched improperly.
Here is the command to generate the image:
ffmpeg -ss 8 -f lavfi -i testsrc=size=850x480,crop=850:130,swapuv -ss 8 -f lavfi -i 'nullsrc=s=850x130,geq=random(1)*120:128:128' -filter_complex '[1:v]format=yuva444p,lut=c3=128,negate[out],[0:v][out]overlay[2]' -map [2] -frames:v 1 header.jpg
“This is mainly for testing purposes”
Hi David, im interested in repairing drone video footage containing the jelly effect cause by vibration. I was wondering if you could recommend any processes using ffmpeg or other tools? Each scene contains enough information to be repaired from surrounding frames, but its a matter of replacing the jelly bits with clear sections. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have found no tools available to do this, as they only repair rolling shutter and camera shake.
Kind regards
Yikes that looks like a challenge. Do you have a link to a publicly available high quality sample?